If yes: what happened?
If no: would you consider it under the right circumstance?Ever used deodorant as a weapon, or any health and beauty product for that matter?
yes,,,,when i was a teenager my oldest step brother was trying to burn me with a lighter so i sprayed deodorant at him lmao a**hole singed his eye brows and his hairEver used deodorant as a weapon, or any health and beauty product for that matter?
No, but let me tell you, when someone steps to me, everything within my reach instantly becomes a weapon--lamps, spatulas, Nerf products, midgets, whatever.
no but i caught my son using an aerosol as a flame thrower.
he videoed it on his phone.
i went mad he nearly caught the curtains alight in his bedroom
nope, probably I guess if thats all I had
i use my brothers spray deoderant to kill bugs i spray em them light them on fire
I used a can of hairspray as a blowtorch one time to kill a wasp that was in my bathroom.
My GF used a can of hair spray as a can of mace like stuff once
Stopped some masher in his tracks and he was arrested
Yes, I used deodorant to self-immolate myself once. I survived, but I came out hot. All my furs were gone.
no, i haven't but if need be, i will.
i have once in 7th grade. we at the school pool taking showers after swiming and some boys go into the locker rooms. that was bad. we squirted them in the face with shampoo and they left.
for above ^^.. umm i do that to. lol it really works.
Axe and a lighter...
Yes...hairspray. It's the best weapon against spiders. Whenever I see one, I just give him a blast of hairspray. It stiffens them up making it possible to sweep them up with a dust pan and broom and toss him in the trash.
Yeah I sprayed my brother with hair spray once